The Repairing Paperback"Keidi is a futurist. Since history tends to repeat is again time for of us of African descent to have the greatest influence over world order. An order where people are first, the environment is preserved and a profit is made. For those of you that are Conscious, those that are Awake, those that are Conscientious, this book is a critical read. - The guru of impact giving and investing, John E. Brown, Managing Director Abaco Partners, LLC

"For decades now, Baba Keidi Awadu has been on the cutting edge of providing critical, solution-centered research for the African community. With a practical, Pan-African perspective and tech-savvy sophistication, he has always provided insightful analysis along with empowering action plans. His new book, The Repairing, follows this same tradition and is a must-read for serious self-determined Africans seeking sovereignty." Chike Akua, PhD, Educator and author of Honoring Our Ancestral Obligations /

"I love this book. It addresses what should be and could be done to lift our people out of the abyss." - Lem Colter / Alpha Griot

"Keidi's book provides a very cogent analysis of the challenges and opportunities facing Africans in Africa and in the diaspora. He correctly identifies the need for collective self determination within the Pan-African diaspora. The book also focus on the need to look forward proactively for solutions instead of excessive focus on the past. In the wake of the recent election, this analysis is needed." - Sa Ra, author, Los Angeles

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The Repairing - Within this master blueprint for current and future Reparations, we can assure that our prosperity will expand without limitation. We can create more balanced and harmonic relations within family and community, help our people overcome habits which have led too many of us into chronic poverty, illness and injustice. This plan will further our sense of pride and direct investment in the economic fate of our African homeland, causing Pan African engagement to increase immensely. We will gift all black children with the viability of a future society that will be more prosperous than that into which they or their parents were born. This book is my lifetime tour-de-force. Now we can say with pride, we do have a great set of viable plan and know with assurance that they will work.

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Excerpted from THE REPAIRING, Chapter 2 – What Was Broken? – 9 Foundations for Reparations, by Keidi Awadu (Published in December 2016 / 6257)

I do acknowledge and appreciate those who have organized for Reparations over the past, many of them quite passionately long before I was even clear on the concept myself. There have been numerous organizations, individuals, authors, attorneys, politicians, religious leaders, journalists, community leaders and grass roots stakeholders who have held the banner of Reparations high, and continue to do so today.

While I don’t allocate herein the space to name those whose work has influenced me as I have grown into the Reparations movement, there have been some with whom I have become close over the past three decades. To my friends, colleagues and to those elders and ancestors who have championed this cause, I hope that this work meets your approval. I will do my best to incorporate your teachings into my own understanding of our need to get to resolution with regard to achieving Reparations for our people.

The 9 areas for focus of Reparations which will be discussed in more detail could each take up an entire volume for publication. I will strive to be as concise as possible in describing these areas. Throughout the larger book, these will serve as the foundation by which we will create practical avenues for making things right.

These 9 areas for Reparations encompass: 1) Compensation for Stolen Labor; 2) Land Recovery; 3) Family and Community; 4) Economic Development; 5) Education; 6) Revising our Historical Perspective; 7) Transnational Relations; 8) Repairing our Health Status; and 9) Crime and Justice. Each of these broad categories can be further broken down into numerous subcategories and various themes for further narrowed focus.

As stated previously, in the limited space of this report and the time allocated for its completion, I can only be so comprehensive. Numerous volumes have been previously published which can bring greater insight to each particular area of injury. Undoubtedly, many more studies will address these critical areas of group self-interest and community development. Our greatest priority herein is to inspire you the reader, issue very specific calls-to-action, and to generate momentum toward sustainable growth and development toward our stated goals.

Learn more about this book and how YOU can be an integral part of this movement, subscribe to the Reparations Party email list.


Here is what has kept me busy for about 28 years now. The best is yet to come!



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